DIG X ~ The Reveal by Laurence Fuller

As Kopfgestaltung and I were carving away at the Tablets drop based on Michelangelo’s Moses, we had the crazy thought ~ what if Moses’ tablets were to slip and smash into fragments on the ground and each one would represent one of the Ten Commandments. Then each Fragment would drop in secret on HEN in collaboration with other artists whose work would fit the classic theme and people would have to follow the clues to find it, like an archeological dig... It’s been a wild ten days and I’m very proud to now present the first ever NFT collaborative series dropped entirely in secret ~ DIG X in full!

Fragment X: Rex ~ Visuals & Music by @Kopfgestaltung ~ Original Poetry & Performance by Laurence Fuller @LaurenceFuller

Clue X was: Each clue will lead you to this, the eagles flight from its perch down the gullies that ring with other voices. Speaking lost in the shadows with other people’s words; all leads the traveler to find oneself anew. What’s in a name but the location of Elysium.
Based on the Commandment: Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain

Fragment IX: Sirens ~ Visuals by Mihai Grecu @the_grecu ~ Original score by Laurence Fuller ~ Poetry adapted from “Iliad” by Homer ~ Performance by @LaurenceFuller

Clue IX: Faint echoes on the edge of dystopia, ruins of a fallen civilization crumble while a chorus of melancholy lures weary sailors.

Based on the Commandment: Thou shalt not commit adultery

Fragment VIII: Invidia ~ Visuals by Dark Ghoul @_dark_ghoul ~ MUSIC :The Hungry Ghost - I Think I Can Help You ~ Poetry adapted from “Sarires” by Horace ~ Performance by Laurence Fuller @LaurenceFuller

Clue VIII: Golems covet gold in the dark, they hide it from their neighbors ~ ghoulish laughs can be heard with whispers of their favorite.

Based on the Commandment: Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's goods

Fragment VII: Pater Maris ~ Visuals by Sønken @rijstplukker ~ Poetry adapted from “Aeneid” by Virgil ~ Performance by Laurence Fuller @LaurenceFuller ~ Music: Symphony no. 9 in Em, 'New World' - IV. Allegro con fuoco. Composed by Antonín Dvořák ~ Performed by Symphony Orchestra.

Clue VII: Night falls, glowing through the ashened darkness the shore patters it's waves against the rocks peopled with ancients. The Gods whisper fables to nymphs & cherubs here.

Based on the Commandment: Honour thy father and thy mother.

Fragment VI: Suffuror ~ Visuals by Daniel Martin @DanielMartinNL ~ Poetry adapted from “The Satires” by Horace ~ Music ‘Peer Gynt’ by Edvard Grieg ~ Produced and performed by Laurence Fuller @LaurenceFuller

Clue VI: The Iron Lady and the like gather to conspire for what politicians do & in that chamber portraits of leaders past faded in grey tones by cigar smoke.

Based on the Commandment: Thou shalt not steal

Fragment V: Rixor ~ Visuals by @KX________ ~ Original poetry and performance by Laurence Fuller @LaurenceFuller

Clue V was: Dark whispers are heard about thy neighbors in the Corridors Of Paradise where the Flame of Truth hangs. Echoing quarrels about embracing angels, a big drooping tongue and a red balloon.

Based on the Commandment: Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.

Fragment IV: Caedes ~ Visuals by @_Mwan_ ~ Sound and score by Mwan ~ Poetry based on ‘Pompeii’ by William Giles adapted by Laurence Fuller ~ Performance by @LaurenceFuller

Clue IV was: Gold. Burning Gold. Gold bleeds through the ashes. Gold pours from the mountains. Until there was only silence and their souls languished in Gold.

Based on the Commandment: Thou shalt not kill.

Fragment III: Tempus ~ 3D Digital Sculpture by @jopfe0815 ~ Poetry based on the Percy Shelley’s ‘Ozymandias’ reinterpreted by Laurence Fuller ~ Original score and Performance by @LaurenceFuller

Clue III was: As the sun peaks it's first glimpse on the Sabbath like Mona Lisa’s smile at break of day ~ Regal calls can be heard in the valley and carry in my heart.

Based on the Commandment: Remember to keep holy the Lord's Day.

Fragment II: Mordere Malum ~ 3D Digital Sculpture by Voltaine @Voltaine1 ~ Inspired by The Venus De Milo ~ Poetry based on the Latin poem Pervigilium Veneris reinterpreted by Laurence Fuller ~ Performance by Laurence Fuller @LaurenceFuller

Clue II was: After Virgil wrote that Aeneid was her son, many long journies left her scoured, once discarded and rediscovered, her beauty was converted for centuries ~ the envy of all France’s neighbors. All the while her new creator covets Norwegian Noir.

Based on the Commandment: Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife.

Fragment I: Reverentia ~ 3D Digital Sculpture by Oddcrow @oddcr0w ~ Inspired by The Death of Laocoon ~ Poetry from ‘Aeneid’ by Virgil ~ Performance by Laurence Fuller @LaurenceFuller

Clue I was: Worship at the altar of the sea, until a black bird flies south with a serpent in its mouth.

Based on the Commandment: I am the Lord thy God: thou shalt not have strange Gods before me.