Richard III / by Laurence Fuller

Gammatrace x Laurence Fuller (Directed by Vincent D'Onofrio)

“My work with Gamma has been a contemplation on the craft of acting in Contemporary Digital Art, and new depths that working in this way helped me to discover about this classic. The substance of performance is changing, the mediums of the human soul, though some things are always constant. Gamma and I find ourselves at this forefront rediscovering Shakespeare’s classic in an entirely new way. Traditions are uprooted by technology and yet resurrected.

Where one face exists, another is shown ~ Richard III gave us a glimpse at the madness that power can bring, to even undo his own family and peers at the expense of climbing the next rudder on the ladder. To take his credit at the throne on the backs of the fallen. And we with each succeeding generation find ourselves standing on those same backs, yet returning to them once again to claim their robes ~ either in triumph or in humility.”

The 67th 'Festival dei Due Mondi' -

Exhibit Dates: June 28 - July 14

Location: Palazzo Collicola,

Produced by @valuartdotcom